ANNEX I: Index of abbreviations
The following abbreviations have been used throughout this document, listed in alphabetical order:
- A.A.I.: Independent Informant Protection Authority
- ADIF: Railway Infrastructure Administrator *hyperlink
- AEAT: State Tax Administration Agency
- AEIP: Events of Exceptional Public Interest
- AJD: Documented Legal Acts
- APM: Priority Patronage Activities
- B2B: Business to Business
- B2C: Business to Consumer
- BINs: Negative Taxable Income
- CC: Civil Code *hyperlink
- CCAA: Autonomous Communities
- CEP: Silent Participation Agreements
- CIRCE: Business Creation and Information Centre Network * hyperlink
- CNAE: National Activity Code *hyperlink
- DA: Administrative Documents
- DEHú: Unique Enabled Electronic Address *hyperlink
- DIRECTIVE 86/653/EEC: Council Directive of 18 December 1986 on the coordination of the laws of the Member States relating to self-employed commercial agents * hyperlink
- DM: Commercial Documents
- DN: Notarial Documents
- DTA: Double Taxation Agreements *hyperlink
- DUE: Single Electronic Document
- ECOFIN: Economic and Financial Affairs Council
- EC Regulation 2157/2001: Council Regulation (EC) 2157/2001 of 8 October 2001, approving the Statute of the European Public Limited-Liability Company
- EEA: European Economic Area
- EEC: European Economic Community
- EFTA: European Free Trade Association
- EIG: Economic Interest Groupings *hyperlink
- ERL: Limited Liability Entrepreneur
- ERTE ETOP: Redundancy owing to Economic, Technical, Organisational or Production reasons
- ERTE: Redundancy procedures
- ESAT: Statute that regulates Agricultural Processing Companies *hyperlink
- ETT: Temping Companies.
- ETVEs: Entities holding Foreign Securities
- EU: European Union
- GDP: Gross Domestic Product
- HCI: Habitats of community interest
- IAE: Tax on Economic Activities
- IBI: Real Estate Tax
- ICIO: Tax on buildings, installations and works
- IGIC: General Indirect Tax of the Canary Islands
- IIVTNU: Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land
- INCN: Net Turnover
- IP: General Property Tax
- IPC: Consumer Price Index
- IRNR: Income Tax on Non-Residents
- IRPF: Personal Income Tax
- IS: Corporation Tax
- ISD: Tax on Inheritance and Donations
- ITPAJD: Tax on Property Conveyances and Documented Legal Acts
- ITSGF: Temporary Solidarity Tax on Large Fortunes
- IVTM: Tax on motor vehicles
- LAIA: Law on Economic Interest Groupings *hyperlink
- LECR: Law that regulates venture capital entities *hyperlink
- LFCA: Law 22/2009 of 18 December which regulates the financing system of the Autonomous Communities under the common regime and Cities with the Statute of Autonomous Communities and modifies certain tax regulations. * hyperlink
- LGT: This refers to Law 58 enacted on 17 December 2003, the General Taxation Law.
- LGBTI: Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual, Bisexual and Intersexual Collective
- LIIC: Collective Investment Institutions Law*hyperlink
- LIP: Law 19/1991 of 6 June on Wealth Tax * hyperlink
- LIRNR: Royal Legislative Decree 5 enacted on 5 March 2004 which approved the redrafted text of the Law on Income Tax for Non-Residents * hyperlink
- LIRPF: Law 35 enacted on 28 November 2006 on Personal Income Tax and the partial modification of the laws on Corporation Tax, Non-Resident Income and Wealth.
- LIS: Law 27 enacted on 27 November 2014 on Corporation Tax *hyperlink
- LISD: Law 29/1987 of 18 December on Tax on Inheritance and Donations
- LITPAJD: Tax on Property Conveyances and Documented Legal Acts
- LIVA: Law 37/1992 of 28 December on Value-Added Tax * hyperlink
- LODA: Organic Law regulating the Right of Association *hyperlink
- LRHL: Redrafted Text of the Law Regulating Local Inland Revenue Offices * hyperlink
- LRJSGR: Law on the Legal Regime for Mutual Guarantee Associations *hyperlink
- LSACIMI: Law on Listed Public Limited Investment Companies on the Real Estate Market *hyperlink
- LSC: Corporations’ Act *hyperlink
- LSFIITH: Law on the Regime for Real Estate Investment Companies and Funds and Mortgage Securitisation*hyperlink
- LSP: Law on Professional Companies *hyperlink
- LUTE: Law on the tax regime for groupings, UTEs and regional industrial development Companies *hyperlink
- MEV: Valid Economic Reasons
- MHN: Net Estate
- NET: Company Number with the General Social Security Treasury
- NIE: Foreigner Identity Number
- NIF: Tax Identification Number
- OS: Corporate Operations
- PA: Public Administrations
- PAE: Entrepreneur Service Points * hyperlink
- PE: Permanent Establishment
- PGO: General Organisational Plan
- Principality of Asturias: “Principality”, “Asturias”, “Region”
- PRTR: Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain *hyperlink
- R&D and TI: Research, development and technological innovation.
- RD 1382/1985: Royal Decree 1382/1985 of 1st August which regulates the special employment relationship of senior management staff.
- RD 571/2023: Royal Decree 571/2023 of 4 July on foreign investments * hyperlink
- RDL 5/2023: Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 of 28 June whereby certain measures are adopted and extended in response to the economic and social consequences of the War in Ukraine, to support the reconstruction of the island of La Palma and other situations of vulnerability; transposition of European Union Directives on structural modifications to commercial companies and the work-life balance of parents and caregivers; and the implementation of and compliance with European Union Law (hyperlink).
- RDL FICE: Royal Decree-Law on actions to promote investment and job creation *hyperlink
- REE: Red Eléctrica de España (Spanish national grid) *hyperlink
- RENF: Tax neutrality regime in corporate restructuring operations
- RIRNR: Royal Decree 1776/2004 of 30 July which approves the Regulation for Income Tax on Non-Residents * hyperlink
- RIRPF: Royal Decree 439/2007 of 30 March which approves the Personal Income Tax Regulation and modifies the Regulation of Pension Plans and Funds, approved by Royal Decree 304/2004 of 20 February
- RISD: Royal Decree 1629/1991 of 8 November which approves the Regulation on Inheritance and Donations Tax
- RITPAJD: Royal Decree 828/1995 of 29 May which approves the Regulation for the Tax on Property Conveyances and Documented Legal Acts * hyperlink
- RIVA: Royal Decree 1624/1992 of 29 December which approves the Value-Added Tax Regulation and modifies Royal Decree 1041/1990 of 27 July which regulates the census declarations which must be filed by employers, professionals and other taxpayers for tax purposes; Royal Decree 338/1990 of 9 March which regulates the composition and manner of use of the tax identification number, Royal Decree 2402/1985 of 18 December which regulates the duty to issue and submit invoices incumbent upon employers and professionals and Royal Decree 1326/1987 of 11 September which establishes the procedure for applying the Directives of the European Economic Community on the exchange of tax information* hyperlink
- RMC: Central Registrar of Companies
- RO: Representative Office
- ROLECE: Official Registry of Bidders and Classified Companies of the State
- RRM: Registrar of Companies Regulations * hyperlink
- S. Com por A.: Partnership limited by shares
- S. en Com: Limited partnership
- S.A.: Public Limited Company
- S.E.: European Public Limited-Liability Company
- S.L.: Limited Liability Company
- S.P.: Professional Partnership
- S.R.C. / S.C.: General partnership
- SAD: Sports corporations *hyperlink
- SAE: European Public Limited-Liability Company
- SARA Network: Application and Network Systems for Administrations *hyperlink
- SCI: Sites of Community Importance
- SMEs: Small and midsize enterprises
- SRP: Regional Promotion Company of the Principality of Asturias *hyperlink
- TACRC: Central Administrative Court for Contractual Appeals *hyperlink
- TPO: Property Transfers for a Consideration
- UTE: Temporary Joint Ventures
- VAT: Value-added tax
- ZALIA: Logistics and Industrial Activity Area of Asturias * hyperlink
- ZEPA: Special Protection Areas for Birds